Global  Missions

Northstar works toward fulfilling our global vision by sending short-term teams and long-term missionaries. Our primary aim in sending is to help start churches where they do not exist or to empower the local church to fulfill its mission.

Short-Term  Mission Trips 


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Dominican Republic

DR Vision seeks to make a reproducing impact for Christ throughout the country and all of Latin America. All of their ministries – Las Palmas school, sports ministry, Mercy Workshop, a medical clinic, and two local churches – are designed to meet specific needs in the community with the intention of making disciples.

Our student team serves annually during spring break at Las Palmas, and our adult team serves in a variety of capacities as the missionary team sees best.

Date: March 14-20, 2025 Student Trip

Cost: $2,000


Date: October 4-11, 2025 Adult Trip 

Cost: $2,000


    The Roma community, not too far from downtown Athens, is a people group who are misunderstood, judged, and forgotten. A lack of education and social inclusion have led to lack of jobs and income. Many live without running water, power, or permanent home structures. 

    The Petalouda educational center (through Hellenic Ministries), believes change is possible in Jesus’ name. This ministry nurtures the Roma community by helping them with things they never thought possible: reading, writing, applying for jobs, learning new skills, and more. 

    This volunteer team will love the children, teens, and adults through educational opportunities, including teaching English. 

    Since this area is covered in strongholds such as drugs, abuse, and prostitution, we ask for only adults to apply for this trip experience.  

    Dates for 2025 will become available this fall! 


    La Mision serves the Guatemalan people through medical initiatives, construction projects, bible school, food distribution, and more. Mission teams partner with this ministry by serving two remote villages with medical treatments in hopes of gaining entry into the community. Through these ministry opportunities, locals have the ability to build long-term relationships. 

    Join our team as they creatively serve the community, helping long-term workers reach people with the gospel.

    Date: June 11-18, 2025

    Leader: Lance Huff

    Cost: $2,000

    Hamtramck, MI

    Hamtramck was the first city in the United States to have a Muslim-majority population, and the call to prayer from the Mosque is audible to the entire city. During the trip, you will learn about the context of ministry in this 2-square-mile town that is 50% Muslim and 50% impoverished. You will also intentionally engage with those in the city through visiting a local mosque, attending cultural festivals, and participating in prayer walks. This is a wonderful cultural immersion experience for those willing to be a learner.

    Date: August 27-31, 2025

    Leaders: Susan and Charles Simerly

    Cost: $350


    NS Neighbors aims to develop outreach leaders who disciple and mobilize the Northstar family to be and bring the good news of Jesus to the Knoxville area. You’re invited to join us for a family-friendly Spring Break experience where you can interact with our NS Neighbor teams and discover how you can participate in fulfilling the Great Commission right here in Knoxville. This will involve serving opportunities and witnessing firsthand how the Gospel is impacting our community.

    Date: March 17-19, 2025

    Leader: Susan Simerly 


    The 6 Degree Initiative (6DI) is a church planting movement focusing on the unreached people groups just north of the equator in West Africa. This area has been greatly impacted by Voodoo and the exportation of human life through the slave trade. The missionary team partners with national leaders to plant churches in the least-reached cities of the region. 

    There are 5 projects currently with the 6DI: Togo church planting, Benin church planting, Palms Kids Camps, Deaf Project, and Vocational Training Center. Our teams will serve in one or some of these projects depending on the needs of the missionaries.

    Date: October 16-24, 2025

    Cost: $3,000

    * 2025 Mission Trips will be made available at our Sent Conference on November 3rd. You can find out more details and register here. 

    Long-Term   Sending 

    Do you think the Lord may be calling you to go to the nations? Email Chrissy Toth, missions director, at  to start the conversation. Also, check out our sending partner, Upstream Sending at for a great video and overview.