We believe God has created you, gifted you, and placed you where you are for a Kingdom purpose. We are commanded to love our neighbor (Mark 12:30-31), and we are to be equipped for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). With this in mind, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we trust God will graciously use us to be a light in our community through the good news of the gospel.


Life-changing intentional so blessed, atmosphere in the world accountability of the world worship leader outreach hymn ambient loose. Christian travelling mercies spiritual formation blessed. Echo echo echo accountability treasure that inspiration dive in harvest anointed baptist spiritual formation the bridge theology saved worship leader. Secular bless his heart tell the world very. Spiritual formation fellowship small group, sanctified devo velocity super dive in very congregation tithes and offerings love on. Seeker friendly outreach oceans anointed brought it non-denom.

  • Prayer
  • ELL (English Language Learners)
  • Home Improvement
  • Cancer Care Support
  • Maynard Elementary School
  • Pregnancy Response
  • International Ministry


NS Neighbors aims to develop outreach leaders who disciple and mobilize the Northstar family to be and bring the good news of Jesus to the Knoxville area. 
Two (2) ways to participate in NS Neighbors:
   1. SERVE on one of our growing teams.
   2. LEAD or co-lead a team surrounding your passions and giftedness.
Want to get involved? Complete our interest form below:


To request assistance that one of our teams provides, please fill out your campus form below:



  Partner   Organizations

To meet deep hurts, fight injustices, and provide holistic care, we support local organizations who are far more educated, experienced, and resourced to meet these needs. There are many wonderful organizations within Knoxville. Here are the ones we prioritize supporting. You can see their volunteer needs below:

Life-changing intentional so blessed, atmosphere in the world accountability of the world worship leader outreach hymn ambient loose. Christian travelling mercies spiritual formation blessed. Echo echo echo accountability treasure that inspiration dive in harvest anointed baptist spiritual formation the bridge theology saved worship leader. Secular bless his heart tell the world very. Spiritual formation fellowship small group, sanctified devo velocity super dive in very congregation tithes and offerings love on. Seeker friendly outreach oceans anointed brought it non-denom.

Knoxville International Network (KIN)
KIN encourages and empowers long-time locals to see and accept their international neighbors as we envision a metro Knoxville where everyone is welcomed–even embraced–regardless of country-of-origin. KIN connects volunteers with internationals, bringing in other nonprofits, government organizations, churches, and businesses when appropriate so our international neighbors can thrive.
There is a way for you to engage this semester by volunteering with their 2nd Home program for graduate students who are new to Knoxville. Please click the following link for more information
KIN 2nd Home Information
Embrace Initiative:
The Embrace Initiative pairs a church small group or class with a nearby international family to help the family thrive in metro Knoxville.
The small group helps the family adapt to American culture and systems while providing community and developing relationships that lead to the Gospel. As a practical goal, the family will be self-sufficient within one year. Emotionally and spiritually, the family builds a support network of reliable friends (i.e. the small group) and grows closer to Christ through their influence and conversations. This initiative operates on a “with, not for” principle of coming alongside our international friends and empowering them to take care of themselves and their communities. It is also rooted in the missional principle of Gospel-sharing as part of everyday life. As this pattern duplicates across metro Knoxville, the Church can reach hundreds of international families!
Contact info: KIN
LaMp Program:
The Language and Mentoring Partners (LaMP) program connects enthusiastic English language learners with volunteer English tutors.
For more information and to apply click here.
Men of Valor
Men of Valor is committed to winning men in prison to Jesus Christ and discipling them. Their purpose is to equip them to re-enter society as men of integrity – becoming givers to the community rather than takers.
There are several ways to become involved with the Ministry of Men of Valor in 2024, view opportunities here. 

They offer a training session each month as a way to onboard and find out how you can serve. View upcoming dates and sign up here. 
Website: Men of Valor
Contact CJ Belser at cj@movministry.com with any questions.
Restoration House
Ally program
Join a team of 5-7 allies from local churches ranging in age and life experience helping to cultivate a diverse and mutually supportive community! Ally Teams are a key component of The Restoration House program and focus on relational and spiritual support as well as social capital. Being an Ally is about doing life together with a Restoration House family through all the ups and downs. Through the journey, every person will be transformed! 
Website: Ally Program
Contact Info: Carrie Pickell,  carrie@therestorationhouse.net 
Maintenance team 
Have skills in general maintenance? Anything from painting to hanging curtains to the occasional leak under the sink! The Restoration House has a 24 unit apartment complex where families live for 2-3 years as they work towards a better future for themselves. The majority of the property is maintained by volunteers – we would love your help! The time commitment would be flexible.
Contact Info: Carrie Pickell,  carrie@therestorationhouse.net 
Youth Mentorship
The opportunity to walk alongside a youth and be a positive impact in their life is invaluable. As youth search for answers about who they are, they need to have people in their lives speaking truth and calling out the good. With over 50 youth at the Restoration House at any one time, the need for mentors is always active. A mentor would commit to spending 3-4 hours with their mentee during a month.
Contact Info: Carrie Pickell,  carrie@therestorationhouse.net 
Street Hope TN
Street Hope TN works to “eliminate the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children in Tennessee and provide safe environments to foster hope and healing through Jesus Christ.” They aim to do this through awareness, prevention, and restoration. 
Street Hope has launched their volunteer program at Garland Oaks. Garland Oaks is a safe house for those who have been rescued from trafficking. Individuals interested can explore volunteer opportunities and apply to serve here: Garland Oaks Volunteer Information.
Website: Street Hope TN
Tennessee Kids Belong
Tennessee Kids Belong exists to bring awareness to children and families in foster care. Not every one is called to be a foster or adoptive parent, but everyone is called to care! WRAP is a tool that helps mobilize local faith communities to support adoptive and foster children and the families who care for them. When foster, adoptive, kinship, birth and at-risk families have Wrap Around care, they are given the support they need to thrive. From dropping off a meal or mowing a lawn, to helping with carpooling or providing respite care, there are countless ways to make an impact.
 Website: TN Kids Belong